Thursday, June 24, 2010

More amazing wizards

I'm seriously obsessed with wizard tattoos. Sorry if you guys are getting sick of them! Here are a bunch with their dragon buddies.

More amazing wizards
It looks like he's about to pitch all the magic onto his hand that's holding the orb, whereupon it will smash into one million pieces and doom the dragon to an eternity underground without his friends or family.

More amazing wizards
This dude is NOT HAPPY about the dragon's fiery flames. Not one bit.

More amazing wizards
Since when are wizards 100x bigger than dragons? I like the lightning bolts though.

More amazing wizards
"Alright, I want a dungeon. A deep, dark, scary dungeon, with a DRAGON and a huge SPIDER, and a lizard, and cobwebs, and an EVIL PLOTTING WIZARD with another dragon on his shoulder, and a CUTE BLUEBIRD and a HEART with a banner with my girlfriend's name on it and a bunch of FLAMES on the other side and some smoke all around everything. Okay?"