Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Come on And Check Out The Cutest Star Tattoos

Star tattoos are very meaningful as well as easy to make if you want to get a tattoo for the first time. Getting just one star doesn’t always look very great. If it has a combination with some other unique design like a name or clouds, then single stars are preferred but not otherwise. Wouldn’t it be great if you got a trail of small star tattoos behind the big one to make it look like it is a falling star? Stars are beautiful to look at and they symbolize eternity. Stars are known to be immortal and never ending. They twinkle through time lines without stopping every night. Tattoos on the other hand, also symbolize permanence, thus getting a star tattoo can be a unique idea on it’s own. There are myths which say, that when loved ones die, they become stars and look down on you every single night. Many people get these small star tattoos inked on them because they believe in it or have some memories related to them. Many a times people just get them for fun, since they look swanky and stylish. So, take a look at some extra-ordinary small star tattoo designs in the following paragraphs. More on star tattoo meanings.

Small Star Tattoo Designs

It’s a common misconception about these designs that these are only small star tattoos for girls. But there are many star tattoos which are very masculine in appearance and also look very attractive on men. Another peculiarity of these small star tattoos is that you can get them inked on any part of your body. Since they are tiny and look very hot no matter where you get them done. In the following paragraphs we will see what are the various designs that you can choose from.

Small Star Tattoos on Hip
The hip is the best place to get these tattoos since they look tiny and very cute there. Hips are the most preferred places by women to get their tattoos. You can get them on the lower back hips or the frontal hips, on the belly button area. If you want the small stars to look elegant and delicate, you can get one big black star on either side of the pelvic region and a trail of small star tattoos following it. If you want to make it attractive, bringing in colors in your tattoo is also a good option, instead of having a simple black tattoo. Colors will make them look cuter and add that extra punch to your tattoo. Other designs like Mario stars and angel stars look very beautiful on the hips and lower backs.

Small Star Tattoos on Foot
A single small star with two lines under it signifying it to be a shooting star also looks nice on the foot. Ankles and the area next to your toes are the places where many girls get their small star tattoos. These tattoos also look great when they are made in multiple colors, alternating each other, for example blacks and reds. A trail of 30 and more stars in a row from the calf to your toes can look very unique and one of a kind. Many people also like to have colored nautical star tattoos, of either one or a trail altogether.

Small Star Tattoos on Wrist
For those of you who don’t like to have tattoos on their hips, shoulders, feet or anywhere else, the wrists are the best place for a tattoo. Like the hip and the foot, small stars look very pretty on the wrists too. Since the area next to the wrist is small, these tattoos are the best designs. A six pointed star with tiny stars around its border can make an easy tattoo design for beginners. If it is the first time you’re getting a tattoo, get a simple small star on your wrist, trust me it looks great.